longthread on the future direction of Polkadot 2.0, focusing on PVM, smart contracts, Polkadot Hub & JAM
Analyzing the changes of accepting the Polkadot ETF by SEC and adding staking to the Trust based on previous achievements and comparing to Ethereum
Detailed thread showing OriginTrails supply chain, AI & Web3 use cases. Showing how blockchain maybe used in Web2 with people not even knowing it.
Short and strong highlighting of Polkadot Pay showing another DOT utility with a qrt to proof by Leemo.
i smart recycled my previous content to the newcomers looking at Polkadot after Kaito leaderboard was announced.
Analyzing Ethereum’s by reading the JAM graypaper.
I did a comprehensive analysis of Ethereum’s current state looking at Gavin’s thoughts on Ethereum and adding my own comments supported by data with sources.
I summarized the current hot narratives in the Polkadot ecosystem. It was a continuation thread from my last December take on Polkadot 2.0.
A wrap-up of the report on Polkadot done by Parity & Dotlake. With an additional twist on Polkadot 2.0 & JAM.