Polkadot OpenGov Whitelisted Caller track Referendum 1127 is open for voting.
It proposes to lower the pricing of Snowbridge transfer fees.
The original Snowbridge pricing parameters were based on a worst case gas price of 60 Gwei and an ETH/DOT exchange rate of 1:450. This resulted in a Polkadot>Ethereum transfer cost of ~11 DOT and a Ethereum>Polkadot cost of 0.000399 ETH.
If passed, the pricing parameters will be changed to a worst case gas price of 25 Gwei, and an ETH/DOT exchange rate of 1:566.
This will result in a Polkadot>Ethereum transfer cost of ~6 DOT, and a Ethereum>Polkadot transfer cost of 0.000317 ETH.