The Web3 Foundation announces eight new grant recipients for Wave 23 funding.
Gmajor is developing subxt-python, a Python wrapper for the Substrate subxt library that will allow Python developers to more easily build and develop on Substrate.
Experio S M Ltda have received funding for their follow-up work on Polkadart, an equivalent to polkadot-js written in Dart.
Liu-Cheng Xu is developing Subcoin, a prototype of a Bitcoin full node in Rust using the Substrate framework.
ParaSpell Research is working on an xcNFT a pallet for cross-chain NFT sharing.
Solidbit GmbH is conducting research on implementations of the ISO20022 standard for electronic data interchange between financial institutions, and formulating a technical design of how Polkadot could become ISO20022 compatible.
Web3 Association will develop and execute an open source contributor funding experiment to explore the potential for OpenGov funding alternatives.
Katarína Valová is developing AgriDot, a Web3 app that offers blockchain-solutions for agricultural management and farming community collaboration.
Sigma 8 Solutions are building a decentralized and secure off-chain execution environment with peer-to-peer networking.