Content and resources available in non-English languages, supporting Polkadot's global community and ensuring accessibility for non-English speaking users.
Read a total of 66 articles on Polkadot Non Anglo written by our community creators
Emphasis is placed on Polkadot as an infrastructure and security provider to projects so that they can focus on their own products, giving examples such as #hydration #mythical #Kilt #hyperbridge that benefit from this technology.
I explained the high costs that L2s have to pay to Ethereum to have their tx validated and highlighted how Polkadot revolutionizes with a blockchain that provides maximum security for less than $200 USD and all this with tests and data
In this thread, I explain and illustrate how to use the Hyperbridge app, including how to perform a bridge transaction, claim funds on the recipient chain, and participate in the IRO (Initial Relayer Offering). All steps are shown with graphical references for clarity. Please note that this is purely educational, and I do not encourage or suggest any financial gains or participation in the offering.