Resources and content translated into multiple languages, helping bridge language barriers and expand Polkadot's reach to diverse global communities.
Read a total of 11 articles on Polkadot Translations written by our community creators
In this thread, I explain and illustrate how to use the Hyperbridge app, including how to perform a bridge transaction, claim funds on the recipient chain, and participate in the IRO (Initial Relayer Offering). All steps are shown with graphical references for clarity. Please note that this is purely educational, and I do not encourage or suggest any financial gains or participation in the offering.
In queso thread approfondisco il prossimo candidate design per la Relay Chain di Polkadot. La JAM chain. Inizio con una veloce panoramica di Polkadot 1.0 e cosa può essere migliorato, il prossimo aggiornamento 2.0 e Agile Coretime. Come funziona la Join Accumulate Machine nei termini di architettura e modello di servizio, quali miglioramenti apporteranno. Breve accenno sulla Polka Virtual Machine e la JAM Toaster.
In questo thread introduco brevemente il token #PINK a utenti esterni all'ecosistema. Procedura dettagliata dalla scelta del wallet, strade percorribili per portare liquidità e ottenere le gas fee, anche restando su MetaMask. Via CEX o passando dal bridge Portal tramite Wormhole, acquisto con carta di credito per wallet nativi. Concludo su StellaSwap per lo swap del token #PINK.
Agile Core Time is a new system for allocating resources on the Polkadot network. Unlike the previous system of parachain auctions and fixed term leases, projects will be able to book as little or as much Polkadot core resources as they need. This is seen as a positive development for smaller projects and indie game developers, as it will lower the barrier to entry for them. Agile Core Time is expected to be deployed on Kusama soon
In questo thread discuto ad alto livello cosa sono i CoP nel contesto delle blockchain. Un'introduzione ELI5 su cosa sono le blockchain e come si sono evolute in macchine virtuali decentralizzate. I CoP come leva per scalare, esaminando i punti di forza e debolezza per ciascun tipo. La (de)centralizzazione e congestione di Ethereum, come invece Polkadot sia nato per scalare, il futuro è Roseo.
In the latest newsletter, the HydraDX team briefly summarized the most important events of the month of February. Soon you can look forward to Hollar (decentralized stablecoin for Polkadot) and Money market (lending and borrowing), while the functionalities are already in test mode and will only be deployed once. There is also a module in the final stage that will ensure adding any activity to the Omnipool without the need for a governance process. Stay hydrated 😉 Hastags: #hydration #omnipool #oceanofliquidity Link:
Translated thread of AuB post about JAM. In this Sub0 event, Gavin Wood discusses the new Polkadot approach called JAM from different perspectives such as services, work packages, composability and much more. Link: #sub0asia #gavinwood